Choosing a Divorce Lawyer
Saving on the Cost of Divorce
Collaborating When Litigating a Divorce. An Oxymoron?
Divorce: Why consider Collaborative?
Co-Parenting and Collaborative Divorce
What Kind of Collaborative Advocacy Do You Need?
When you and your spouse choose collaborative practice as the process for resolving your divorce, it is critical that your collaborative lawyer provide the advocacy that you need, and that your voice is heard during the settlement conferences.
What is the advocacy that you need from your collaborative divorce attorney? Very simply, that depends on you and what you need at any given moment in the collaborative case. Collaborative practice is very fluid settlement process and there is a spectrum of advocacy that an experienced and well-trained collaborative lawyer can provide.
Children and Divorce
Why Collaborative Divorce or Mediation?
Divorce: To Mediate, Collaborate or Litigate, – That is The Question.
Published in Financial Planning Association of the Greater Hudson Valley, Spring 2009 Newsletter
When confronted with a divorce, you don’t need to be a legal scholar to know the risks of going to trial and having a judge decide the issues in a court of law. Just talk to your friends and relatives who have been through a bitter divorce in the courts, or to any honest divorce lawyer. They will tell you that the costs, both financially and emotionally, of a court battle in a divorce can be ruinous, not only for the divorcing couple but also for their children.