The NYACP (New York Association of Collaborative Professionals) is the place to go if you are looking for a divorce lawyer in the New York City metropolitan area.
What is the NYACP? It is an association of like-minded collaborative professionals who share a powerful commitment. This commitment includes achieving excellence in their work as collaborative lawyers, divorce coaches, child specialists and financial specialists. Every NYACP member in good standing is required to satisfy ongoing and rigorous collaborative training requirements, which include attending numerous seminars each year that continuously improve the collaborative professional’s skills. This results in more and better divorce settlements that stand the test of time, meeting the reasonable needs of divorcing couples and their children.
Why go collaborative and why settle? For the benefits of a collaborative divorce, which include: (1) protecting children from the trauma of a divorce war in Court; (2) avoiding the monumental legal and professional fees generated by such a divorce war, thereby preserving assets and saving money; (3) minimizing conflict and stress for the family in transition; (4) being treated with respect in a non-adversarial settlement process; and (5) obtaining a long-lasting interest-based divorce settlement.
Even if you have already been served with divorce papers and your case is already in Court, the best place for you to find a divorce lawyer is still the NYACP. This is because the goals of NYACP divorce lawyers are the same as yours. They are committed to helping you obtain a divorce settlement that meets your reasonable needs, protects your children, and preserves your assets. They will make every reasonable effort to help you achieve such a settlement, only going to trial if it is absolutely necessary.
If this is making sense to you, then make an appointment with a lawyer who is an NYACP member. For more information, visit the NYACP web site:
©Arnold D. Cribari, 2015